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Old School
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About Ransu

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  1. Huge W for WM warriors today. We got a word that anti-WM alliance was prepped so our leader Joni1235 masspoked 60 WiLdmidgetS to fight against the whole clan world. Vitality prepped the whole week for this fight and pulled 40🤣😭 as expected vitality was the first clan to disappear from the minimap. After clearing Vitality we focused on slaying as many RoT and VR members as possible. Member quality has always been our top priority and and today we saw great example why. Brave WildMight's held their ground and farmed foreigners for a nice 1,5hours. TYVM CLANWORLD. holy pull.
  2. expected nothing less from our ironman squad
  3. Wildmight:in kerma kokoontui salapk:n merkeissä ja jälki oli odotetun vahvaa. (0deaths, sponsored by Tapio)
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